Protecting Yourself from Scams

We all can stand to learn a thing or two about fraud protection. And it seems school is always in session as new threats make us rewrite the lesson plans.

Protecting your assets and data is one of our highest priorities at Asset Advisors Investment Management. But it’s also important for you to do your homework on threats you may encounter in your daily interactions—from your personal email account to social media to telemarketers. In each of these channels, you may run into scams specifically designed to steal your information or assets.

To help you recognize and avoid such situations, we are providing this document to download.

Protecting Yourself from Scams

Learn some telltale signs that will help you recognize a number of popular scams. We also provide an outline you can take if you ever fall victim to a scam. By reviewing this information, maintaining best practices, and exercising caution in your online activities, we can work together to keep you and your finances safe.